Monday, November 29, 2010

Liver volumes

Noda et al. Liver volume in children measured by computed tomography. Pediatric Radiology (1997) vol. 27 (3) pp. 250-2

Spleen volumes

Schlesinger et al. Volume of the spleen in children as measured on CT scans: normal standards as a function of body weight. AJR American journal of roentgenology (1993) vol. 160 (5) pp. 1107-9

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Femoral/tibial torsion studies

Regarding Femoral/tibial torsion studies:

Dr. Stevens would like us to: 

1) Use the screen layout that I show in the second and third attachments 

2) Save our measurements when closing the study

3) Use the macro below

Also, please read the note on the first attachment regarding how he'd like us to measure the femoral neck.  

PS: The line about P. STEVENS in the macro is because Aoki does it differently.

Examination: [<Right>] MRI lower extremity without contrast limited. [] hours.

Comparison: Contralateral side.

History: Femoral anteversion. [<Lower extremity torsion.>]

Technique: Oblique PD axial images were obtained through the [left/right] hip. Native axial images were obtained through the hip, knee, and ankle.

No fracture, periosteal reaction, or other acute osseous abnormality is present in the visualized portions of the lower extremities. Soft tissues are normal appearing.

lower extremity anteversion and torsion angles are calculated as listed below:

Impression: Femoral [<anteversion >] is [] degrees.  There is [] degrees femoral [<internal>] torsion and [] degrees tibial [<external>] torsion. Please see separate dictation of the contralateral limb.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Case of the week: 21 month old with stridor

Swallowed disk battery.

The ingestion of disk batteries is particularly important because saliva acts as an electrolyte bath, causing batteries to corrode and leak a solution of sodium or potassium hydroxide.  This caustic solution causes rapid destruction of the esophageal wall, extensive edema, and narrowing of the adjacent airway.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Head US and assessment of gestational age

Sagittal US views

Superior temporal sulcus (STS)                                           23 weeks

Saw tooth serrations STS (secondary sulcation)                     35 weeks

Cingulate sulcus (CS)                                                            29-30 weeks

Marginal branch of CS                                                           32 weeks

Long and short insular gyri                                                        39-40 weeks
          Left                                                                                40 weeks
          Right                                                                              39 weeks

Coronal US views

Superior frontal sulcus (SFS) – primary sulcation                    25 weeks

Secondary sulcation of SFS                                                 27 weeks

Adapted by Kevin Moore

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Case of the week: 29 month old with elbow pain

Lateral condylar fracture.  The fracture line almost always extends into the unossified epiphyseal cartilage, and therefore these are Salter-Harris type 4 fractures, generally considered to be orthopedic urgencies.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Google Chrome links


  1. GMail checker: Adds a pop-up feature for checking/deleating/marking spam on your gmail account
  2. EI Tab: Allows you to stay within Chrome's tabs and emulate Internet Explorer
  3. Stylish: Allows you to change a site's appearance by adding styles available HERE
     Allow you to change the way the browser looks (all black for radiologists!)

Case of the week: Toddler with knee pain

Discoid meniscus, probably macerated, but not flipped

Primary Children's On-Line Resources

Access PCMC on-line resources!

You need to use IE or Chrome with  THIS EI TAB EXTENSION:

Chrome Version: ER Patient Tracker
Chrome Version: HELP2

If you need to use Internet Explorer, then use these links:

RadList: Radiology CME Course and Conference List

Click HERE to go to RadList

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bone age determination in infants

Count the visible ossification centers as in the schematic above.  Blackened centers are the only ones that count.  Then use the chart above

Codman Hakim programmable shunt valve pressure verification wheel

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Risser Classification

The iliac crest apophysis is unossified until adolescence. 

At about 14 years, ossification begins on the anterolateral aspect of the iliac crest and continues posteromedially.

Fusion of the ossified apophysis begins around the age of 15 years and may not be complete until 25 years.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Skeletal dysplasia: An update

The skeletal dysostoses and dysplasias are now classified as "Genetic Skeletal Disorders," a nod towards our better understanding of the human genome and the genetic basis of disease.  Check out the new standard for classifying these disorders online at:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Normal length of solitary kidneys in children

Rottenberg et al. 167 (5): 1255. (1996) 

PRETEXT classification for pediatric liver tumors

PRETEXT Number              Definition

I                                        One section is involved and three adjoining sections are free
II                                       One or two sections are involved, two adjoining sections are free
III                                       Two or three sections are involved, and no two adjoining sections are free 
IV                                      All four sections are involved

More information, including EXAMPLES:

Couinaud liver segments

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Renal length in children by age, height, and weight

Han and Babcock. Sonographic measurements and appearance of normal kidneys in children. AJR American journal of roentgenology (1985) vol. 145 (3) pp. 611-6